Clipper herbicide is very versatile and has been showing excellent results in aquatic environments on a variety of plants. This product is fast, effective, and breaks down quickly in the water to leave no accumulation in the sediment. Clipper™ is a PPO inhibitor and has proven activity on both floating and submerged species of plants providing valuable flexibility to the applicator.
For best results, use a Surfactant such as Cygnet Plus or Cide Kick ll with this product.
Use Rates
Surface Spray
- 6 to 12 oz per surface acre
- 200 ppb: 1.1 pounds per acre foot
- 400 ppb: 2.1 pounds per acre foot
Susceptible Weeds/Algae
Alligator Weed, Coontail, Curly Leaf Pondweed, Duckweed, Eurasian Watermilfoil, Fanwort, Frog's- Bit, Hydrilla, Hygrophila, Sago Pondweed, Southern Naiad, Variable Leaf Pondweed, Variable Leaf
Water Use Restrictions
- Turf and ornamentals 0 to 5 days
Food crops
- 5 days
See label for specific details